The Feldenkrais Method in group is better known as Awareness Through Movement (ATM).

Only the group lesson on wednesday 9a.m. stays ONLINE NOW since 1 march 2022. No going outdoors and easy from participating from home! You can form your own group of at least 6 participants and a theme you want to work on to work Online with me at an hour of your choice.

ATM is a lesson in which you are verbally guided through a structured series of movements. It helps you to discover your unique habits and patterns through a playful and “mindful” exploration of movements. These classes last one hour and usually you will be lying or sitting on a mat wearing most comfortable clothes so that you can move easily. Each lesson is built around a theme, with the aim to improve functions such as walking, sitting, standing, balance, turning and reaching. A lesson will give you a better organization, coordination and balance within your own body and your relationship to space.

It’s how you move and the quality of your movements. By moving slowly and exerting with minimum effort, and by focusing on the execution of the movement, you will have time to feel and pay attention to all the components who are relating to moving (breathing, intent, coordination, timing, organization, communication, and muscle tone).

You can learn to let go of old patterns and develop new alternatives to move with greater efficiency and awareness.